🟢Added customer.mail_marketing to list & fulfilment exports
The customer.mail_marketing field is now included in the Lists Export and Fulfillments Export. This enhancement ensures customer marketing preferences are exported seamlessly. Improves data availability for marketing and fulfillment processes.
🟢 Enhancements to Deferred Revenue & Accounts Receivable Exports
Aligned the Deferred Revenue and Accounts Receivable exports by ensuring all fields, including plans, products, invoice number, invoice date, invoice status, invoice amount, and customer information, are consistently included in the AR export. Any newly added columns are appended to the end of the file for improved compatibility and easier integration. Additionally, monthly download buttons have been added for both AR and DR reports, enhancing usability and providing quick access to periodic data for efficient financial analysis and reporting.
🟢New Monthly Debit-Credit Journal Entry Report
Introduced a consolidated export for monthly debit-credit journal entries, enabling efficient reconciliation of accounting ledgers. The new report combines data from all relevant ledgers into a single file, eliminating the need to manually download and review 10 separate files. This export streamlines financial reporting processes for your finance teams and improves transaction tracing efficiency.
🟢New Endpoint: Fetch SKU by ID
Introduced a new API endpoint to retrieve SKU details by ID. Refer to the API documentation for details on usage. This simplifies SKU management and retrieval processes.